Technical Support Note: 111006

Analytics Feed Settings

What's new in Analytics Pro v1.3?

Analytics Pro v1.3 adds support for the new Google Analytics Management API.

What difference does it make?

The Management API supports similar features to the old API, but is required to support new features that Google will introduce in the future.

Analytics Pro should start using the new API automatically, so you should not notice any difference after updating from an earlier version of Analytics Pro.

Changing API Feed Settings on iPhone

Analytics Pro still supports previous versions of the Google Analytics API. A menu has been added to make it easy to choose which version of the API is used.

To access the menu, follow these steps.

  • 1) Select the 'i' button
  • 2) Select "Feed Settings"
  • 3) Select the Feed from the Menu.
    Version 2.3 will use the Management API.
  • 4) Navigate back to the main screen and Select the first row to reload the profiles.

Changing API Feed Settings on iPad

It's much the same on the iPad, except the 'i' button is in the top left. See below.